Pubdate: Mon, 29 Dec 2003 Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON) Copyright: 2003, Canoe Limited Partnership. Contact: Details: Author: Clifford Schaffer Note: Parenthetical remark by the Sun editor, headline by newshawk. MARIJUANA LAWS WERE FOUNDED ON IGNORANCE RE YOUR editorial "A visit from the Supremes (Dec. 24): After at least a dozen major government commission studies over the last 100 years, including two recent ones by your own Parliament, your editors think that marijuana decriminalization was not "thought through." There is only one real explanation - your editors have never read any of the most basic research on the subject. The marijuana laws were founded on ignorance and require ignorance to survive. Your editors have proven it again. Clifford Schaffer Director, DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy Agua Dulce, Calif. (We know our government, you don't. It wasn't thought through) - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman