Pubdate: Thu, 08 Jan 2004 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2004 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Craig Barton POT AND BOOZE LAWS SHOULD BE THE SAME I could -- if I chose to do so -- replace the water in my swimming pool with vodka, load up my garage with cigarettes and then invite the premier and police chief to my house for a party -- and we'd all have a great time. But light up a "joint" at that party and all hell would break loose. It just doesn't make sense. Are people who smoke marijuana a danger to society? Sure, they can be annoying sometimes if they've had too much, but a danger? I don't recall ever reading a story about a "pot-head" raping some old lady or invading a home or threatening a family with a gun or a knife. I've never smoked marijuana and doubt that I ever will. But I'd much rather spend an evening with someone high on pot than drunk on alcohol or another drug. Marijuana should be bound by the same laws that apply to alcohol. Not only as far as the minimum age is concerned, but also when it comes to driving under the influence -- and no one should drive while under the influence of anything. Craig Barton, Victoria. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom