Pubdate: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 Source: Johnson City Press (TN) Copyright: 2004 Johnson City Press and Associated Press Contact: Details: Author: Wanda Herrill METH CLINIC NEEDED EDITOR: This letter is in response to the article Dec. 5 regarding the proposed methadone clinic being "scrapped." Mr. Darden and the "select few" - whoever they are - should not be feeling proud. They have denied many residents in this area of any hope of ending the cycle of drug addiction. The expense of obtaining treatment out of town, plus the expense of the treatment, will keep many people from getting the help they need. Jimmy Blevins' response Dec. 18 to the news about the clinic was absolutely, completely on target. It seems the only attention the drug addict will get is to be arrested, jailed and fined. How is that helping anyone? Once Johnson City had "won," I had hoped the effort to build a clinic in Bristol would be successful. It seems, however, those in Bristol, too, are denying there is a serious need in the area. Other cities have recognized the problem and are doing something about it. Why not this area? We could win a lot more by helping, rather than punishing. WANDA HERRILL Jonesborough - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake