Pubdate: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 Source: Courier-Journal, The (KY) Copyright: 2004 The Courier-Journal Contact: Details: Author: N. HUBERT . . . 'SET AN EXAMPLE' Why is it that the only time you hear about African-American communities is when someone dies? Why not do something to prevent the deaths? Let's consider the two recent shootings, James Taylor and Michael Newby. Taylor was a drug user at the time of his death, and Newby was allegedly selling drugs at the time of his death. Yet the only wrong that anyone wants to mention is the fact that these two gentlemen died. Where was the African-American community when these men needed them the most? Taylor had been in and out of jail several times before his death. People knew he was a drug user but instead of getting him help, they either chose to ignore the problem or feed into his habit. Newby had been in trouble with the law several times, also. Where was the community when, in middle school, he was caught with a handgun?... Don't protest when someone is shot. Protest when you see how many African-American children can't read, write or add. Protest when you see the drug dealers on your street corners. Protest when you hear that most African-American families are single-family homes. Don't stand back and let your child be the next Newby or Taylor. Teach your children right from wrong and, most important, set an example.... N. HUBERT Louisville 40217 - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens