Pubdate: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Copyright: 2004 Times Colonist Contact: Details: Author: Lindsay Kines WOMAN CLAIMS GROW-OP WAS FOR MEDICINAL USE A woman arrested when police raided an alleged marijuana grow operation in Saanich Wednesday says she suffers from a variety of illnesses and was cultivating the pot for medicinal purposes. Carrie-Anne Billyard, 33, says this is the second time one of her residences has been searched, and she intends to sue Saanich police. Billyard says she has cancer as well as other ailments and takes marijuana medicinally. 'I'm not a criminal," she said. "I'm entitled to 14 grams a day for my prescription, so for every gram that Health Canada and your doctor allows you to have, Health Canada gives you five plants. And then they allow so much for crop failure." Saanich police Const. Paul Smith said officers searched a house in the 1600-block McKenzie Avenue. Wednesday morning after receiving a tip that there was a marijuana grow operation in a residence. The search followed a two-week investigation. Smith said police discovered 80 to 100 plants, as well as bagged marijuana. Officers arrested and charged a man and a woman. Both were later released. Smith said the investigators are aware that the accused claim the plants were for medicinal purposes. "However, the paperwork was not available when the search warrant was executed," he said. "Therefore, it's treated like any other grow operation, until it's proven by her to be medicinal. There's actually not government proof that it is a medicinal grow operation at this point." - --- MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman