Pubdate: Thu, 15 Jan 2004
Source: Essex Evening Gazette (UK)
Copyright: 2004 This Is Essex


A CAMPAINER for the legalisation of cannabis is taking his fight to
the Home Secretary.

Don Barnard, campaigner for the Legalise Cannabis Alliance in
Braintree, has helped produce a document which challenges the
Government over its drug policy.

And he is hoping the document, which has also been produced in Braille
format, will be presented to Home secretary David Blunkett

The campaigner has contacted Braintree and Earls Colne MP Alan Hurst
with the document.

Athough Mr Hurst says he does not support the campaign to legalise
cannabis, he has written to the Home Secretary to try and arrange a
meeting so he can receive the document.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin