Pubdate: Mon, 19 Jul 2004
Source: Philippine Star (Philippines)
Copyright: PhilSTAR Daily Inc. 2004
Author: Marichu Villanueva


President Arroyo vowed no letup in her administration's war against the 
flourishing shabu trade as the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) 
busted yet another large shabu laboratory in Valenzuela City yesterday.

The President motored all the way to an abandoned warehouse in Villa 
Liwayway Subdivision in Valenzuela where PDEA agents found 147 drums of 
chemicals used in manufacturing shabu, shabu-making equipment and six sacks 
labeled as sodium acetate which contain crystalline substance.

The PDEA estimated that the confiscated materials were enough to 
manufacture 3,000 kilos of shabu worth P7.5 billion. Its street value was 
pegged at P2.5 million per kilo.

The President took the occasion to read to reporters her official statement 
in reaction to a published report of the United Nations on the extent of 
the problem of the shabu trade.

"We have pushed the drug menace far back but we take the UN report as a 
reminder that there is more to be done," said Mrs. Arroyo, who was 
accompanied by Interior Secretary Angelo Reyes, PDEA executive director 
Anselmo Avenido and Gen. Edgar Aglipay, chief of the Philippine National 
Police special task force on anti-illegal drugs.

The drug menace has been "half beaten" only, the President said, citing 
that the street price of methamphetamine has gone up almost five-fold, from 
P500 to P2,500 per gram.

According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the Philippines is 
the third biggest source of shabu, or methamphetamine hydrochloride, in the 
world, next to China and Myanmar.

Shabu manufactured in the Philippines reaches as far as Australia and the 
United States, the UN report said.
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