Pubdate: Wed, 14 Jan 2004
Source: Times-Journal, The (Fort Payne, AL)
Copyright: 2004 Times-Journal
Author: Kelly Townsend
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


Students at Northeast Alabama Community College in Rainsville have produced 
a video about the dangers of crystal methamphetamine with the intent of 
educating communities with the help of donations like the $500 the group 
received from the DeKalb County Commission on Tuesday.

Commission President Sid Holcomb recommended the commission give a donation 
after he watched video called "Crystal Menace."

"I feel this video is something everyone needs to see. It contains 
interviews from people that have been on the drug and gives a realistic 
insight into what this drug can have on those who are on it," Holcomb said.

Holcomb said several other organizations, such as the Jackson County 
Commission and the DeKalb County schools, had agreed to sponsor the video.

"I hope with the donations that this video will be able to get into every 
school. I believe it really opens eyes to the growing problem in our county 
and others around us," Holcomb said.

The video shows before and after pictures of addicts giving the audience a 
realistic perspective into what the drug can do to the body.

In other business, the commission approved:

. Hiring Tim O'Dell to fill the grant position with the DeKalb County 
Sheriff's department and moving Jeff Baine into Nelson Gregory's old position.

Nelson, according to Sheriff Cecil Reed, resigned in order to pursue other 

. Providing between $8,000-10,000 for erosion control required by the 
Alabama Department of Environmental Management at the Old Fyffe Landfill.

. A work session with the Fort Payne City Council to discuss proposed new 
commission districts. The meeting will be Friday at 10 a.m. in the 
Commission Chambers at the Activities Building in Fort Payne.

. Amending the Emergency Management Organization Resolution.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom