Pubdate: Sun, 18 Jan 2004
Source: Independent  (UK)
Copyright: 2004 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Author: Sophie Goodchild
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)


London police chief admits to 'massive amount of muddle' over
reclassification, as his force diverges from rest of UK

The Metropolitan police is expected to take a more liberal approach in
dealing with people caught in possession of cannabis, compared with
other forces, adding to the confusion over the imminent
reclassification of the drug.

Cannabis will be downgraded from a class B to a class C drug on 29
January under reforms drawn up by David Blunkett, the Home Secretary.

Possession of the drug will still be an arrestable offence, but new
guidelines sent to Met police officers specifically urge them to
"presume against arresting people in possession of a small amount of
cannabis ... unless there are aggravating circumstances".

Senior Met sources say Scotland Yard's guidelines are at a subtle
variance with new national guidelines on cannabis law enforcement
issued by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo).

Acpo has issued guidance to all forces which recommends officers still
arrest users who smoke the drug in public. Acpo's three-page document
also advises arrest for those found with the drug near a school, for
repeated possession and where users in an area cause a policing problem.

Senior Met sources have flagged significant differences between the
wording of the recommendations and those issued by the Met to its
borough commanders. "The Met guidelines say there is a presumption
against arrest. It is urging officers not to make arrests."

The police have been instrumental in pressing for cannabis law reform
so that officers can concentrate on targeting the supply and
trafficking of class A drugs, such as crack cocaine and heroin.

In 2001, the Met launched a pilot scheme in Lambeth, south London.
Officers were instructed to caution people in possession of small
amounts rather than arrest them - freeing up as much as six hours of
police time per offender, it was estimated.

Sir John Stevens, the Met Commissioner, has admitted there is
widespread confusion over reclassification, with people not
recognising that possession is still an offence. "I think there is a
massive amount of muddle about where we are on cannabis," he said last
week. "The position is that the use and possession of cannabis is
still against the law in this country."

Forces are taking steps to educate people about the reforms.
Nottinghamshire police has issued beer mats to pubs and bars bearing
the message: "Drug taking is illegal and won't be tolerated on these
premises. Cannabis is illegal and will remain illegal."

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has commissioned a study into the
impact of reclassification. "We expect to find considerable confusion
among the public and especially young people," said Professor Michael
Hough, of Kings College London, who is to carry out the research.

Campaigners have also raised health issues. Rethink, the mental health
charity, has called for the Government to issue warnings over the risk
of developing schizophrenia.

The Home Office has commissioned an independent expert to examine the
research on the health impact. Les Iversen, a professor of
pharmacology at Oxford University, says there is no compelling
evidence cannabis causes mental illness. Condemning the "hysteria"
surrounding reclassification, he told the IoS any risk affects a "very
small, vulnerable minority", adding: "Cannabis has turned out to be
rather safe compared to other drugs."

Additional reporting by Luminitsa Holban and Steve

What will the impact be?

The Independent on Sunday went to Bournemouth in Dorset where -
according to an analysis of Home Office figures - police take the
hardest line on cannabis possession.

The patient

It's a step in the right direction for people with MS. As a sufferer,
I say it's time the stigma was lifted from cannabis. I had been
banging my head against a brick wall. The doctors and neurologists
were not friendly. MS gave me sleep problems and anxiety; they
prescribed anti-depressants. But cannabis helped me to sleep and to

Patrick Donnelly, 35

The supplier

We supply medicinal cannabis for registered patients, and specialise
in treating arthritis and MS. We haven't had problems from the police,
but technically it's not legal. The change is a half-measure. But we
are now hoping for a lot more GP referrals. The police won't want to
waste time, especially with the heroin problem here.

James Cooper, 29, manager of holistic centre

The doctor

It worries me immensely.I used to think it was people who already had
a mental illness and that cannabis simply sped up the process. ButI am
seeing more cases of people who have become psychotic as a result of
abuse. It's going to be more available on the streets at a cheaper
price. It will open up the floodgates.

Tom McKinstry, 60, GP

The headteacher

The fear aspect of cannabis has gone. Children may feel it isn't as
bad as we thought and those on the fringes may get sucked in. It is
not a huge issue for us. We have a stringent policy and usage is
infrequent, but we can't pretend they have no access. At least we've
been open and honest and given them facts. If we don't educate them,
who will?

Annetta Minard, 45, of Oakmead College of Technology

The teenager

If they make it class C more people will take it because it's not a
big sentence. It's making people not worry about it. You would think
you can take it for ever and it won't hurt you. If people take class C
then B, if they think it's good they will soon move up to class A.
That's if they don't die in between.

Reece Evans, 14

The user

Reclassification is a good idea, but it should go further. It would
take the kudos out of it for young people if it wasn't illegal. I
don't agree with people under 16 smoking it. It's more attractive to
them because it's illegal. I probably smoke a couple of times a month,
less than when I was a student. It's very easy to get hold of. I know
it's an offence so I'm very careful, but it's up to the discretion of
the local police force. They are much stricter in Bournemouth than in

'Zoe' (not her real name), in her 30s, works in marketing
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin