Pubdate: Sat, 17 Jan 2004 Source: Courier-Journal, The (KY) Copyright: 2004 The Courier-Journal Contact: Details: Author: Jackie Williams 'MISSING THE POINT' I agree with many of the readers who said African Americans must do more to stop the illegal use and trafficking of drugs in our communities, but I think they are missing the point of the protests. More crimes are committed by whites than African Americans in Kentucky, yet it is African Americans who are frequently killed by the police. I understand the officers' right to protect themselves and the community, but why is it that only African-American men are shot in the back or shot while in handcuffs? I think, at a minimum, it shows that our police officers lack sensitivity when dealing with African-American people and, at worst, shows that some of them are biased. People aren't protesting in opposition of the law, but in an attempt to have a fair application of the law. According to the U.S. Constitution, those accused of committing a crime are guaranteed a trial by jury. Unfortunately, many African Americans accused of committing a crime in this community don't live long enough to make it to trial. Jackie Williams Louisville - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin