Pubdate: Mon, 02 Aug 2004
Source: East African Standard, The (Kenya)
Copyright: 2004 The East African Standard



Lack of rehabilitation centres for drug addicts is hampering the fight 
against drug abuse in the country.

The problem has given rise to high levels of addiction among youths who 
would have otherwise been rehabilitated to stop taking the drugs.

National Campaign Against Drug Abuse acting director Roselyn Onyuka, 
further put the blame squarely on the Ministry of Health for failing to 
establish the centres. She said the ministry was mandated to establish the 
centres way back in 1994 to rehabilitate drug dependent persons.

However, she said, 10 years down the line no single rehabilitation centre 
is in existence. "Why is the ministry dragging its feet over this grave 
matter which is threatening to turn our youths into zombies?" she posed.

Onyuka was addressing members of the Kenya Pharmaceutical Association 
during a meeting in Kisumu.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart