Pubdate: Mon, 02 Aug 2004
Source: Cape Argus (South Africa)
Copyright: 2004 Cape Argus.
Author: Dianne Hawker


The family of Angelique Luyt, the 15-year-old who was found dead in a field 
in Belhar, has denied she was in the area trying to buy drugs.

Angelique, who had been shot in the chest, was found by passers-by last 
Sunday. Her sister, who had a serious head wound, was lying near her and is 
in hospital.

Residents claimed the girls had been looking for a house where drugs could 
be bought. But her family said this was not true. "She was on the Western 
Province wrestling team and had been tested for drugs many times," said a 

Yesterday the relative decided to speak to the media after consulting 
Angelique's parents. "We want people to know what kind of a person she was."

According to the family, Angelique and her four sisters were taken away 
from their parents at an early age because the parents had financial 
difficulties and could not look after the children.

The girls lived a very secluded life in a children's home in Moorreesburg. 
They were then moved to a foster home in Durbanville two years ago. A few 
months ago the girls were reunited with their parents.

The family had last seen Angelique and one of her sisters the Friday before 
last. "They said they were going to play games at the game shop," said the 
relative. The family assumes the girls then decided to visit friends in Belhar.

Her sisters are devastated at their loss. "They were a very close family," 
said the relative.

Two men aged 20 and 21 and a woman aged 31 are due to appear in the 
Bellville magistrate's court today.
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart