Pubdate: Thu, 05 Aug 2004 Source: Mission City Record (CN BC) Copyright: 2004 The Mission City Record Contact: Details: Author: Robert T. Rock Referenced: ARGUMENT SUPPORTING DRUG TRADE REAL CRIME Editor, The Record: I've seen some pretty strange arguments in the paper before and have even contributed one or two myself.But the letter by Alan Randell saying that enforcing drug laws is a crime against humanity should win some sort of award for being the most asinine dribble I have read in a long time. And not content to wrap himself in a flag of righteous indignation, he went on to belittle the suffering of the Jews of Hitler's Germany and the plight of the Japanese Canadians during WWII by linking them with those poor mistreated drug dealers and addicts he seems to be so enamored with. Take the cake for peddling such crap, Alan, you earned it. It is amazing how the use of illegal substances can affect one's brain and I have to wonder if Alan hasn't been doing far too much personal research in the misuse of banned substances for his own good. I won't even bother explaining to Alan in no more than two syllable words so he might understand why linking the Jews and the Japanese-Canadians with addicts, dealers, grow-ops and assorted scumbags is too bizarre to waste my time with.If Alan truly believes what he wrote then he is too far gone to argue with.I'd like to say just how far gone but no editor would print it. If the fight against illegal drugs is a crime against humanity, dear Alan, then what do you call birth defects caused by woman taking drugs during pregnancy? What do you call the parents of a kid who wasn't lucky enough to outright die during an overdose and has to spend the rest of his or her days as a vegetable? What do you call the drive-by shootings in the drug war; just acceptable losses?What do you call the robberies, home-invasions, panhandling for drug money - just means to acquire humanity through a fix? Tell that to the family of that elderly man in North Vancouver who was "allegedly" murdered by one of those brave souls fighting for her humanity through the use of drugs. No, Alan, to be charitable your arguments are na=C3=AFve at best, even though no such charity is really warranted - or unbelievably self-serving. You seem to want the rest of society to condone what you support so you don't feel like you are being picked on. Yeah, and if you were a bank robber, I suppose you would like the rest of us to support that pursuit, too. Alan, I doubt you will never understand that your very argument in support of the drug trade and usage is the real crime against humanity.You and all the bleeding hearts who seek to hamstring our legal system do not make the world a better place, just a place where evil can flourish without risk of censure. What is needed are more people like myself making life so uncomfortable for the panhandling addicts that they seek treatment or at least get out of our faces, more people embarrassing and berating the government into funding drug addiction treatment centers instead of the Olympics, and far fewer people shoveling such compost as Alan did in his letter to the editor. Someone please take away his e-mail access so we can be spared another such assault on our brain cells. Robert T. Rock Mission - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin