Pubdate: Mon, 16 Aug 2004
Source: Manila Times (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004, The Manila Times
Bookmark: (Corruption - Outside U.S.)


Mayor Freddie R. Tinga of Taguig on Sunday ordered the filing of charges 
against operatives of the Regional Special Action Unit (RSAU) who stormed 
the Taguig police station early Saturday morning after their "request" for 
the release of two arrested drug pushers was turned down.

The RSAU is under the National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO).

RSAU also held at gunpoint and used as a human shield a member of the 
Public Order and Safety Office (POSO) in the firefight that ensued between 
them and Taguig policemen.

Tinga said that "all erring cops involved in this incident must be properly 
charged." Insp. Cleto Seriosa, Taguig Investigation chief, said the siege 
of the Taguig police station occurred at about 12:10 a.m. Saturday.

The Times learned that two  RSAU "emissaries" had requested Taguig's Drug 
Enforcement Unit (DEU) to release arrested drug pushers Kahar T. Goldy, 27, 
and Benjamin J. Usman, 49, in exchange for P18,000.

"Gusto nilang arborin ang mga suspects [They wanted us to give them a 
favor, that is, to not charge the suspects and release them]," a Taguig 
policeman, who asked not to be named, said.

Police Officer 1 Ladislao C. Nuguid, 27, a member of RSAU-NCRPO, and Nasser 
M. Tayuan, 30, a civilian assigned at CPI-UBC,  showed up at the police 
station and tried to bribe DEU personnel, prompting the DEU police to 
arrest them and confiscate the P18,000 bribe money.

At this point 30 armed companions of the arrested RSAU members stormed the 
police station upon the  order of their head, Lt. Jess Merilo. They locked 
the main door of the municipal hall.

No one was reported injured in the 10-minute firefight, which was stopped 
when senior officers of both camps intervened.
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