Pubdate: Fri, 27 Aug 2004
Source: Essex Chronicle (UK)
Copyright: 2004 Quicksilver Media
Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom)


A 38-year-old Braintree man, who grew his own cannabis and smoked it to 
relieve rheumatoid arthritis, narrowly escaped jail because of the 
debilitating condition.

Garry Campbell, of Templar Place, was given a suspended 28-day prison 
sentence after admitting at Chelmsford Magistrates Court to cultivating 
cannabis worth UKP8,000.

Campbell, who walks with the aid of a crutch, also admitted possessing 3.68 
grammes of cannabis resin, valued between UKP1,234 and UKP1,600 and 2.89 
grammes of herbal cannabis, worth UKP10, for which he was not given a 
separate sentence.

Chairman of the bench, John Flack said: "Because of the exceptional 
circumstances of your case we are taking a highly exceptional decision and 
suspending your sentence, but if you are ever involved again in cultivating 
cannabis you will go to prison."

Nneka Akudolu, prosecuting, said Essex police searched Campbell's home on 
February 5 and discovered cannabis growing in a cupboard, shed and in the 
back garden as well as hydroponic equipment being used to cultivate 
cannabis indoors.

Peter Barlex, mitigating, said while Campbell admitted cultivating 
cannabis, it was being grown by somebody else who used to live with 
him.Campbell returned from Spain where he went to ease his arthritis in the 
warm weather and found the plants and hydroponic system just four days 
before the police raid.Mr Barlex said: "To assist pain relief he smokes 
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