Pubdate: Sat, 28 Aug 2004
Source: Tri-City News (CN BC)
Copyright: 2004, Tri-City News
Author: Kate Trotter
Bookmark: (Cocaine)
Bookmark: (Treatment)


Program In Tri-City, Burnaby & New West Works With Families

A pilot project that helps people kick addictions at home is showing 
positive results but it won't be called a success until after a follow-up.

Maple Cottage Detox ran a trial in Tri-City, Burnaby and New Westminster 
that provided daily nursing support at home for 30 people withdrawing from 
addictions to alcohol, cocaine, prescription or other drugs.

"I'm very pleased, so far, with the results. " said Susan McKela, manager 
of health services at the detox centre. "So far, it's at least 60 per cent 
successful, which is better than I anticipated."

People with family members prepared and available to help were eligible for 
the home withdrawal project. They spent one or two days at Maple Cottage, 
then completed the withdrawal at home with the help of daily visits from 
one of two nurses.

Their work with clients and family members during the four-to seven-day 
withdrawal period is the reason for the pilot's success, McKela said.

Depending on what substances were abused, physical symptoms could include 
increased blood pressure and pulse, anxiety, nausea and cramps. Nurses 
helped clients deal with their body's reaction with advice on nutrition and 
ways to relieve the discomfort through hot baths, relaxation and other 
coping techniques.

"It's cost-effective and the clients do like it because they're more 
comfortable in their home environment, and the family members are directly 
involved," McKela said. "I think the other value added is that the family 
members are directly involved and they get an education as to what is 
happening within their own family dynamics and it helps them move forward."

Clients could call nurses during working hours and had 24-hour telephone 
access to nurses working at Maple Cottage. Once the physical withdrawal is 
complete, clients are connected with recovery services in the community. 
The home option won't replace Maple Cottage, she said, because some people 
require 24-hour medical supervision during their withdrawal.

The Fraser Health Authority pilot program ran in Burnaby, Port Coquitlam, 
Coquitlam and New Westminster and will likely resume once a nurse is hired 
to replace one who has taken another position.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager