Pubdate: Thu, 02 Sep 2004
Source: Mission City Record (CN BC)
Copyright: 2004 The Mission City Record
Author: Jason Roessle


Crystal methamphetamine producers should face a mandatory federal jail term
if convicted, says Mission's member of the legislative assembly.

Maple Ridge-Mission MLA Randy Hawes has started a petition circulating
through the municipality calling for stiffer sentences for meth producers.

"This petition is not targeting the crystal meth addict selling to support
their own habit," he emphasized.

The petition asks the federal justice minister and attorney-general to enact
legislation which removes sentencing discretion from the judiciary by
providing federal prison time for the drug producers and distributors. It
further asks the legislation remove the right to bail if an accused
re-offends while on bail from a previous meth-related charge.

Hawes said the petition still hasn't been widely circulated in Mission, but
has been sent to the Downtown Business Association and the local chamber of

Hawes has also been speaking with other MLAs in Abbotsford, Surrey and
Coquitlam and will be sending them copies of the petition.

The impetus for the petition came from Hawes' attendance at a forum in Maple
Ridge where ex-meth addicts and RCMP addressed the crowds.

According to the MLA, Ridge Meadows RCMP took down two homes in Whonnock:
one was filled with crystal meth and stolen goods, while the other was a
meth lab.

The people responsible were arrested and out doing business a short while
later as they were out on bail.

"It's just disgusting," said Hawes. "The fire trucks are there and guys
walking around with hazmat suits. Two hours earlier, there were kids there
and these people get a fine?"

Hawes also plans to push government to have the income tax department go
after the producers/manufacturers "full force," and seize all their assets.

"We need to develop a drug strategy that will help kids," he said, adding it
should include education, treatment and enforcement components.

"The enforcement is the one that I can work on." 
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MAP posted-by: Josh