Pubdate: Thu, 02 Sep 2004 Source: Westender (Vancouver, CN BC) Copyright: 2004 WestEnder Contact: Details: Author: Brian Peterson Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Emery, Marc) PASSING A JOINT SET TO BECOME BIGGER CRIME The other day I almost crashed the car when a stunning young woman crossed the street in front of me. It wasn't her go-go boots, teeny skirt and electric smile that distracted me. 'Twas her well-fit "Free Marc Emery" T-shirt that made me want to roll down the window and shout, "I love you! Keep up the good work!" As you may know, the head of the BC Marijuana Party is currently languishing in a Saskatoon jail after Saskatchewan provincial court judge Albert Lavoie sentenced Emery to three months for passing a joint after a legalization rally at the local university last year. His crime was not simple possession but in the eyes of the court...trafficking! I was gobsmacked by the severity of the sentence. How many citizens even know that such a decent social act, which was not even directly witnessed by the arresting officers, could carry such a penalty? But indeed Canadian law currently makes no distinction among drugs or amounts of drugs. Even if no money changes hands, it's considered drug trafficking and carries a possible seven-year sentence. I knew I was not exactly a model citizen but I had no idea I was actually an evil trafficker every time I passed a spliff over the chessboard. I thought I was just being neighbourly. Turns out I should've bogarted the joint all to myself and offered the excuse, "Sorry, I don't want to be convicted of trafficking" to all the appalled guests. The implications of this sentence are even more disturbing in a post-9/11 world where TERRORISTS are funding their evil deeds with the profits of the drug trade. Could it be that Dick Cheney was right and this country is actually swarming with Osama's minions!? My gawd! There's an Orange Alert going off in my head right now. I better carefully self-medicate (all by my lonesome) so I can more reasonably consider the bizarro state of the union. Ahhhhhh, better now.... Well, I sure hope Judge Lavoie knows what he's doing cuz I can't help but think this boner is going to boomerang back in his face. Every time a cannabis activist or budget-conscious teetotaler considers the victimless nature of the crime, the squandering of scarce public resources and illogic of incarcerating the nonviolent Emery with other dangerous offenders they might be tempted to lash off another angry letter to the editor or to Justice Minister and Attorney General of Canada Irwin Cotler at 284 Wellington Street, Ottawa ON, K1A OH8, email to protest the Draconian sentence. What's more, the longer a skilled media hound like Emery languishes in prison the more grease is shined on his martyr's armour. Emery is conducting beaucoup interviews, which are all posted at the Pot TV website. He claims he's not suffering, although he did spend three hours the other morning scrubbing the accumulated grunge of 20 years off his cellblock floor. Emery makes no mention of the availability of God's most sacred and perfect plant behind the bars of the Saskatoon hoosgow. He's grateful for the letters of support and glad to be a catalyst for people's activism. This fall, the feds will reintroduce their flawed new marijuana decriminalization legislation which, if passed, will mean those caught in possession of small amounts of pot will get tickets instead of criminal charges. Unfortunately, the trafficking designation for passing a joint will remain in effect and the government is expecting this so-called "decriminalization" to lead to more enforcement of the ban on marijuana possession. I'm sure hoping that the players in this minority government will flex their muscles and put big pressure on the Liberals to stop ass-kissing the American drug czar and reform their bill to accurately reflect the pro-pot sentiment in this country. If they don't, then Emery will be proved right when he says that prohibition is really about quashing free thinkers and keeping the citizenry frightened of, and dependent on, the government. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake