Pubdate: Fri, 10 Sep 2004
Source: Comox Valley Record (CN BC)
Copyright: 2004 Comox Valley Record
Author:  Bruce MacInnis
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


Dogs guarding an alleged grow operation tangled with a police dog when 
police raided the rural Fanny Bay property Sunday afternoon.

Police spotted signs of an illegal, outdoor "grow show" during a routine 
patrol and descended in the police helicopter to chop the marijuana plants 
down at about 2 p.m., Sunday.

The Mounties spotted two people fleeing in an all-terrain vehicle, and the 
helicopter brought a police dog and handler to pursue them, according to 
RCMP Const. Dean Maxwell.

The dog led police to a 23-year-old woman, and several dogs in the area, 
including a pit bull, attacked the police dog, according to Maxwell.

Mounties pepper-sprayed the dogs.

During the altercation, the woman was bitten by one of the dogs, and an 
ambulance was called. The woman was not seriously injured. Ambulance 
attendants bandaged the wound, but did not take her to hospital, Maxwell said.

Police destroyed 250 marijuana plants and confiscated three all-terrain 
vehicles plus some marijuana and equipment they found in a house on the 

The 23-year-old Parksville woman and a 24-year-old Courtenay man were 
arrested, and police plan to ask the Crown to charge them with production 
of a controlled substance and possession for purposes of trafficking.

Police did not release the suspects' names by press time.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager