Pubdate: Thu, 09 Sep 2004 Source: Mission City Record (CN BC) Copyright: 2004 The Mission City Record Contact: Details: Author: Amanda ATTEND METH FORUM PLEADS FORMER ADDICT Editor, The Record: As a young person growing up in this town, speed is everywhere. Sometimes it is hard to always say no. When you're younger, your parents teach you to say no to drugs, but they don't teach you how. The first time I ever tried speed, I had just turned 12. I didn't even know what it was or what it did to your body, but I didn't care. I started doing it just on weekends, then just in the morning to get me up. Within a month I was doing it everyday, no matter what I had to do to get it. I stole from my family, my friends and everyone I cared about. It was horrible. No one should have to go through that, but a lot of people are. That's why I think people should attend the forum (Sept. 29, Best Western, 7 p.m.) and learn about it because lots of people think it won't be them, but it only takes once. Amanda (Last name withheld) - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin