Pubdate: Sun, 03 Oct 2004
Source: Kamloops This Week (CN BC)
Copyright: 2004 Kamloops This Week
Author: Mark Subryan
Bookmark: (Safe Injecting Rooms)


During the next few months, talks about opening a safe-injection site
program in Kamloops will restart.

A year ago, similar talks were rejected wholeheartedly, however, now
may be an opportune time to readdress this serious issue.

After the success of a similar program in Vancouver's impoverished
Eastside, organizers here in Kamloops feel it's time to bring this
very idea into the city.

The immense success of the program in Vancouver, as well as in the
Netherlands and Switzerland cannot be ignored.

Granted, a community like Kamloops wants to have the small-town values
in a large, urban dwelling.

However, anyway we look at it, Kamloops is very much an urban centre
and many of the issues facing Canada's urban areas are here. A safe
injection site will mean intravenous drug users have a safe place to

Since Vancouver opened their site, the clinic has managed to save the
lives of 72 drug users in 107 incidents.

A safe injection site will mean safer streets for residents while
providing a safe environment for drug users.

Unfortunately, the problems arising from drugs aren't staying in the
large cities like Vancouver and Toronto; they are now showing up in
places smaller than Kamloops.

So, when the talk turns back to creating a safe injection program,
maybe we should keep an open mind and realize a program is not there
to promote drug use, but to create a safer environment for residents
and users alike.

Debate is healthy and a part of a community's growth, so express
yourselves on this issue. We're sure proponents of both sides of the
debate will learn a lot when all is said and done.
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MAP posted-by: Derek