Pubdate: Mon, 04 Oct 2004
Source: Star, The (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2004 Star Publications (Malaysia) Bhd.
Author: Susan Tam
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Heroin)
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


KUALA LUMPUR: Itching and trouble urinating are some of the uncommon signs 
that parents should look out for if they suspect their teenagers are 
abusing drugs, said substance abuse expert Chris Sekar.

Sekar, who is Gleneagles Intan Medical Centre Behavioural Counselling 
Centre psychotherapist, said the usual warning signs include changes in 
behaviour, sleeping and eating patterns.

"But parents should also be aware of physical changes because drugs like 
amphetamines and heroin heighten sensation, so the person may experience 
excessive itching.

"Most people high on drugs will also take some time to urinate, as drugs 
constricts muscles causing difficulty in urinating," he said yesterday.

Other signs include their children becoming more "hyper" or energetic or 
becoming tired and having red, glazed eyes.

He added that other changes include increased appetite or strong sugar 
cravings. This was because marijuana acts as an appetiser, increasing the 
appetite, while heroin creates the need for sugar, he said.

Earlier, Sekar delivered a talk, entitled "Intervention - Reaching Out, 
Rescue and Recovery Seeking Help: Where, Whom and What" at a parents' forum 
on the last day of the First National Conference on Addiction Medicine.

However, Sekar, who is a recovering addict himself, said these were only 
general indicators for parents to observe if they think their children were 
involved in drugs.

Sekar, who is also a member of the Substance Abuse Certified Counsellors 
Organisation of Malaysia, said once the parents find out about their 
child's addiction, they have to come to terms with it and seek help.

"They must realise that they can't do it alone," he added.
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