Pubdate: Thu, 14 Oct 2004
Source: Xtra West (CN BC)
Copyright: 2004 Pink Triangle Press
Author: Diane Claveau
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal - Canada)


John Patrick Gordon says weed saved his life

Winning a short-story competition a decade ago changed John Patrick 
Gordon's life. His story took top honours and the grand prize was a quarter 
ounce of pot.

My story was about an average day in my life going to the Compassion Club," 
he recalls. Back then, compassion clubs--which now legally grow and 
distribute marijuana to people with government-issued medical 
certificates--were still outlawed and all involved, from the grower to the 
distributor to the patient, were subject to arrest.

Gordon's prize was waiting for him at the next marijuana rights rally: some 
primo BC bud. "They gave me a bunch of joints to smoke with my friends. It 
was the best pot I ever had."

Now, "I guess I'm a full-time marijuana activist," he chuckles.

Being part of the pot-arazzi is really an exciting thing," he continues. 
And he's far from being the only gay man in the cannabis community, he 
notes. "I've found it welcoming to gay people."

His history is one of seemingly insurmountable struggles, including sexual 
abuse by a priest as a young man. "I've had a difficult sexual history. 
When I left the seminary I had to expose the church for what was going on 
and deal with that. I realized I didn't want to be another gay priest."

Gordon went back to school and began volunteering with the Gay Games. But 
before the games could take place, he found himself in the Royal Columbian 
Hospital diagnosed HIV-positive and burned out by poor nutrition, lack of 
sleep and poverty.

Most of his friends disappeared. Gordon was hopeless. "I just wanted to lay 
down and die and get it over with. I was kind of wasting away. But I didn't 
die and smoking pot is what got me out of the group home and the subsidized 
housing to live together with friends.

Then I went into helping the mental health community, working with the West 
Coast Mental Health Network and serving on the board of the BC chapter of 
the International Association of Psych-Social Rehabilitation," he continues.

Gordon soon co-founded the Unity Housing Society, a communal living space 
for 25 mental-health consumers living independently in five houses in the 
Downtown Eastside. Now he could finally smoke marijuana in the comfort of 
his own home, and in the years that followed he experienced a 
transformation. "I even found the strength to press criminal charges 
against the priest and civil charges against the church."

Gordon feels he's living proof of the benefits of marijuana use. "I've gone 
from taking antivirals to not, with marijuana. I'm a happy, more creative, 
active person.

I don't think that medicine has to be something that you take with a glass 
of water," he says. "Medicine is something that can be enjoyed. I think 
that 's very important."

His activism has meant coming out to his family on more than one level. 
"Because of prohibition, I had to hide my drug use and my sexuality from my 
mom. I knew she would have zero tolerance. When I said on the news, 'I'm 
HIV-positive and I smoke marijuana for medicinal purposes,' I didn't even 
think about the HIV-positive part. My mom was freaking. I think it was 
easier for her to accept my sexuality than it was to accept marijuana--but 
now she's come to accept both because she's seen [the pot has] helped me 
physically overcome the HIV. You don't know how many 40- and 50-year-old 
pot smokers are afraid to tell their parents, and that's just bullshit."

The laws have got to change, he concludes, and the gay community can help. 
"Marijuana and gay marriage bills were going to Parliament at the same time 
before the election," he notes. "If we support each other we could get both 
bills passed and do a lot more."

It takes many dedicated people to lead a political movement and Gordon's 
writing is one way he contributes to moving cannabis culture forward. 
"Sometimes I think it would be nice to retire to the island and grow--but 
really? I enjoy the city and the pot culture here. I really feel that I've 
found my Tao."
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