Pubdate: Tue, 19 Oct 2004 Source: Cyprus Mail, The (Cyprus) Copyright: Cyprus Mail 2004 Contact: Details: EASY TO OBTAIN DRUGS AT PARTIES NEARLY 80 per cent of young Europeans said it was easy to obtain drugs at parties, with one in three noting a link between the consumption of alcohol and drugs and between the consumption of tobacco and drugs. These statistics are among the main findings of a Flash Eurobarometre opinion poll carried out at the European Commission's request on 7,659 young people between the ages of 15 to 24 in 15 member states. The results of the poll were published last week and come shortly after warnings that Cyprus could very well find it tops the European statistical charts with its alarming number of drug-related deaths per capita. According to an EU press release on young people and drugs, most youngsters expressed the feeling all drugs were dangerous, opinions were very mixed depending on the product. The poll also showed that one out of two young people had been offered cannabis this year and that one out of three had tried it; an increase compared to a similar poll in 2002. "The rate of cannabis and other drugs is higher for boys and girls; curiosity remains the most quoted reason for trying out drugs; and 64 per cent see addiction as the main result of drug-taking," the report said. It added: "Forty-nine per cent agree that drug takers should have access to needles and syringes; 53 per cent of young people call for a more caring attitude and easier integration in the community in order to manage drug-related problems; preventative and punitive measures against dealers and drug traffickers (60 per cent) and against producers (49 per cent) were deemed particularly important; 42 per cent feel that information campaigns are an effective way of managing drug-related problems; and the internet is an increasingly popular source of information with 34 per of young people who said they would use it in 2004 in order to gain information on drugs." Keeping in line with Europe's action plan on drugs, Cyprus has recently completed a twinning project between the government and the EU, which led to the establishment of the Cyprus Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EKTEPN) and strengthened the institutional capabilities of the Cyprus Anti-Drug Council, allowing it to implement a National Drug Strategy. Next year, the island will be included in the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction European (EMCDDA) annual report which provides an overview of the situation of EU drug use and supply, and highlights recent developments and emerging trends in member states and Norway. - --- MAP posted-by: Derek