Pubdate: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 Source: Fairbanks Daily News-Miner (AK) Copyright: 2004 Fairbanks Publishing Company, Inc. Contact: Details: Author: Mark Linkhorst Cited: Proposition 2 ( ) Bookmark: (Alaska) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) Bookmark: (Cannabis) YES ON MEASURE 2 To the editor: A writer stated that marijuana is evil and that having it around the house leaves youth vulnerable to use of marijuana. This same logic could be used for a wide variety of items, including alcohol and tobacco and even firearms. Ballot Measure 2 proposes that marijuana be regulated like tobacco and alcohol. Legal age for purchase and use of these products is 19 and 21, respectively. Measure 2 sets the age for marijuana purchase and use at 21. Every European country that has decriminalized marijuana has a lower rate of use than the United States. The dozen states that have adopted laws reducing marijuana possession from a jail sentence to a fine have not seen an increase in use. In the landmark report, "Informing America's Policy On Illegal Drugs: What We Don't Know Keeps Hurting Us," the National Research Council concluded that stricter laws and tougher punishments have little or no effect on marijuana use. A concern sometimes expressed is that marijuana is a "gateway drug," that its use leads to consumption and addiction to substances like cocaine and heroin. Research suggests that it is marijuana prohibition itself that causes the "gateway affect" by forcing marijuana into the same illicit marketplace as cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth. In a comparison between Amsterdam, where adults may possess small amounts of marijuana and purchase it from regulated merchants, and San Francisco, where marijuana is illegal, both marijuana and other drug use rates were lower in Amsterdam. The initiative could allow development of new hemp product industries providing economic opportunities for Alaskans. Hemp fibers, seeds, and oil are used abroad to manufacture thousands of products, including clothing and paper. Marijuana has medicinal properties that are being continually developed and accepted. Marijuana prohibition does not work. Alaska teens get carded if they try to purchase alcohol or cigarettes but not marijuana. Measure 2 would reduce teen access to marijuana by taking it off the streets and regulating it. Millions of tax dollars that are used to lock up nonviolent Americans could be freed to focus on violent crimes and other societal needs. Please vote yes on 2! Mark Linkhorst Fairbanks - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake