Pubdate: Fri, 29 Oct 2004
Source: Vanguard (Nigeria)
Copyright: 2004 Vanguard.
Author: Kenneth Ehigiator


Lagos -- Hell was let loose at NAHCO Shed of the Murtala Mohammed Airport, 
Ikeja, Lagos yesterday as men of the airport command of the National Drug 
Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) engaged the Federal Airports Authority of 
Nigeria (FAAN) security personnel in a free for all fight.

Eye witness account said the fracas would have degenerated into a major 
problem but for the timely intervention of the commander of the NDLEA, 
Airport Command, Alhaji Abdullahi Danburam.

According to the eye witness, trouble started when some FAAN security men 
manning the gates leading to the NAHCO Shed stopped an NDLEA operative from 
using the main gate meant only for vehicles entry the premises.

It was learnt that the NDLEA personnel insisted on passing through the main 
gate instead of the one reserved for pedestrians.

The insistence of the NDLEA was said to have triggered a heated altercation 
between him and the FAAN security personnel, prompting the former to 
mobilise his colleagues later for an onslaught against the latter.

Vanguard learnt that scores of armed NDLEA security personnel soon stormed 
the area to declare war on the FAAN personnel.

According to the eye witness, the FAAN security men were not only dealt 
with, but had their leader locked up in NDLEA detention room at the airport.

At the time of this report, commander of the airport command of the NDLEA, 
Alhaji Abdullahi Danburam, was said to have stepped in to ensure release of 
the detained FAAN security chief.

Efforts at reaching the NDLEA commander at press time yesterday for his 
comments proved abortive as he was said to be out on official engagement.

But an officer in the command who preferred anonymity confirmed report of 
some skirmishes between some FAAN security personnel and NDLEA operatives.

Meanwhile, FAAN security team at the domestic wing of the airport has 
intensified surveillance at the airport to stem the tide of vandalisation 
of vehicles parked at the airport.

The war is also intensified against touts who have in recent times duped 
some unsuspecting passengers of their money. The latest move is coming 
against the backdrop of removal of such vehicles parts as side mirrors, 
rear lights, amongst others from vehicles parked at the park.

One of the measures the parastatal had put in place to check the current 
trend, Vanguard gathered, is to discourage people from parking their 
vehicles overnight at the domestic airport auto park

FAAN is also said to be liaising with the airport police command to ensure 
their men kept vigil at the park during the night.
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager