Pubdate: Tue, 02 Nov 2004
Source: Oshawa This Week (CN ON)
Copyright: 2004 Oshawa This Week
Author: Jeff Mitchell
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City Lauds Effort To Clean Up Neighbourhoods

OSHAWA - "Outraged" city residents looking to reclaim their neighbourhoods 
are being credited for their role in a drug sweep that netted 37 
street-level dealers, as well as firearms and thousands of dollars worth of 

Oshawa Mayor John Gray was among the officials in attendance Friday 
afternoon when Durham Regional Police displayed drugs, cash and guns seized 
during a five-month undercover operation that resulted in 300 charges.

He said police responded to concerns raised by city officials, who heard 
from downtown residents that they'd become fed up with drugs, prostitution 
and violence plaguing their neighbourhoods.

Those same residents provided information that propelled the investigation 
forward, the mayor said.

"It's through their outrage and their absolute desire to see a cleaner city 
they're coming forward," Mayor Gray said.

"This type of behaviour is absolutely unacceptable in this city."

Inspector Dave Kimmerly said police are responding to crimes that affect 
quality of life in the city.

"I want you to know we all hear your frustration over the activity that has 
been occurring in your neighbourhoods. We share your outrage," he said.

The operation unveiled yesterday consists of two phases, one of which 
concluded in August with the arrest of 16 drug dealers. A pound of 
marijuana and 12 ounces of cocaine were seized, along with $19,000 in cash 
and a loaded .45 calibre Ruger semi-automatic handgun that was in the 
possession of a man who'd been released on bail from Toronto.

The second phase wrapped up Thursday morning when more than 120 cops raided 
11 residences. Seven of those residences were in Oshawa, while warrants 
were also executed in Bowmanville, Whitby, Pickering and Toronto.

A brick of cocaine worth an estimated $33,000 and a loaded .22 calibre 
handgun were among the items seized when police arrested 21 people on 244 
drug and weapons charges.

All in all, police seized two and three-quarter pounds of coke, more than a 
pound of marijuana, $30,000 in cash, two handguns, two shotguns, a rifle 
and a Tazer.

Some of the guns were purchased by undercover officers working the streets 
of Durham Region, police said.

Five people wanted in connection with the operation remain at large: Jason 
Adams, 31; James Prince, 22; 37-year-old Mary Martilla; Jeffrey Kirkham, 
22, and Imara "Creeps" Lunan, 25, all of whom are known to frequent Oshawa 
but have no fixed address. Their photos have been posted of the Durham 
Regional Police website:

Deputy-Chief Chuck Mercier said the busts of street-level dealers help 
address the problems being encountered in local neighbourhoods, and also 
assist in intelligence gathering in the fight against the organized 
criminals who employ those pedlars.

And he acknowledged that while the arrests put a dent in drug trafficking, 
the battle continues.

"Drugs and drug trafficking are an ongoing problem," the deputy-chief said.

"It didn't start yesterday and it isn't going to end tomorrow." 
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