Pubdate: Fri, 05 Nov 2004 Source: Peace Arch News (CN BC) Copyright: 2004 Peace Arch News Contact: Details: Author: Steven Addison Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) Bookmark: (Mandatory Minimum Sentencing) HIEBERT REJECTS LENIENT POT BILL MP Russ Hiebert won't support the federal government's latest attempt to decriminalize marijuana, saying he prefers the status quo. The Conservative MP believes Bill C-17, introduced in the House of Commons this week, will encourage young people to do drugs, and is too lenient on traffickers. "This bill is fundamentally flawed because it indirectly endorses behaviour we don't want to be endorsing in society," the South Surrey-White Rock-Cloverdale MP said. "(Bill C-17) basically makes it equivalent to a parking ticket or a speeding ticket." The legislation would relax penalties for people caught with small amounts of pot. Rather than jail time, adults caught with less than 15 grams-enough to roll about 30 joints-would face a $150 fine. Young people would be ticketed $100. Speaking in the House of Commons, Hiebert said the bill doesn't do enough to combat organized crime and grow operations. He wants mandatory minimum sentences for people who cultivate pot. He also said decriminalization could have a noticeable impact in this riding. "We know 95 per cent of the marijuana produced in B.C. is destined for the States, and that the U.S...has already indicated there will be repercussions at the border if this bill goes ahead." - ---