Pubdate: Thu, 11 Nov 2004
Source: Province, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2004 The Province
Author: Sean Gordon, CanWest News Service
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But Tories Want Pot Bill 'Buried'

OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Paul Martin is brushing aside warnings from
U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci that a border crackdown will result if
Canada decriminalizes marijuana.

He said that Canada reserves the right to pass laws as it sees fit.

"Firstly, the legislation is before the House of Commons, then the
parliamentary committee will have its discussions on all the various
points, and we'll wait to see the legislation that comes from that.
But Canada will make its own laws, pure and simple," Martin said.

Business groups have raised the alarm over the possible tie-ups
resulting from more liberal marijuana laws, saying that even the
current border morass costs Canadian businesses billions of dollars
annually. It's estimated that $1.2 billion in goods and services
travel across the border each day.

The opposition Conservatives renewed calls to shelve the pot bill
until trade disputes with the Bush administration over beef and
softwood lumber exports are ironed out.

"Why are we bringing it forward at a time when we have so many trade
disputes with the United States," asked Tory justice critic Vic Toews.

"I want assurances from the Americans that they're comfortable with
[Canada's position]. We have not got that; they're telling us it's
going to impact on our trade, and if it's going to impact on our
trade, let's bury this bill."

On Tuesday, Cellucci said he was perplexed by the timing of the pot

"Why, when we're trying to take pressure off the border, would Canada
pass a law that would put pressure on the border," he asked.

"If people think it's easier to get marijuana in Canada, then our
people at the border are going to be on the lookout, and I think they
will stop more vehicles, particularly vehicles driven by young people,
whether they're citizens of Canada or the U.S."
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin