Pubdate: Thu, 11 Nov 2004
Source: Vancouver Sun (CN BC)
Copyright: 2004 The Vancouver Sun
Author: Sean Gordon, National Post, with files from Canadian Press
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PM Brushes Aside U.S. Warning About Pot Bill

OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Paul Martin is brushing aside warnings from
U.S. Ambassador Paul Cellucci that a border crackdown will result if
Canada decriminalizes marijuana, saying simply that Canada will pass
laws as it sees fit.

Asked what he made of Cellucci's prediction that relaxed marijuana
laws in Canada will worsen the perennial congestion at border
crossings with the U.S., Martin was unequivocal.

"Firstly, the legislation is before the House of Commons, then the
parliamentary committee will have its discussions on all the various
points, and we'll wait to see the legislation that comes from that.
But Canada will make its own laws, pure and simple," Martin said.

Business groups have raised the alarm over the possible tie-ups
resulting from more liberal marijuana laws in Canada, saying that even
the current border morass costs Canadian businesses billions of
dollars annually. It's estimated that $1.2 billion in goods and
services travel across the border each day.

The opposition Conservatives, who insist the draft legislation is
deeply flawed, renewed calls to shelve the bill until trade disputes
with the Bush administration over beef and softwood lumber exports

"Why are we bringing it forward at a time when we have so many trade
disputes with the United States? . . . I want assurances from the
Americans that they're comfortable with [Canada's position]. We have
not got that, they're telling us it's going to impact on our trade,
and if it's going to impact on our trade, let's bury this bill," said
Tory justice critic Vic Toews.

The draft legislation calls for fines of $150 for adults -- and $100
for minors -- who are caught in possession of up to 15 grams of
marijuana. The bill also proposes tougher sentences for those who
produce the drug as part of a wider effort to stamp out growing
operations. Companion legislation is also aimed at curbing so-called

>From quantity limits to enforcement and training, police across Canada
have major concerns, says the head of the Canadian Professional Police

"It's putting the cart before the horse," said president Tony
Cannavino, representing 54,000 officers and members.

"The government should have started first of all with a national drug
strategy instead of going forward with a bill decriminalizing
marijuana," he said Wednesday in an interview. "It's sending the wrong
message to kids."

The association does not believe anyone caught with one or two joints
should get a criminal record, Cannavino stressed. "We think it's

Police also want to see automatic minimum sentences of five to seven
years for big-time growers, Cannavino says.

Instead, the bill proposes a maximum sentence of 10 years for anyone
caught with more than 25 plants -- not much of a deterrent, he said.

"We know judges won't give those maximum sentences. It's not a way to
convince those marijuana growers that they should stop doing their

"This legislation has so many flaws that it won't help us to win the
war against marijuana grow [operations]."

A similar proposal to ease marijuana laws died on the order paper when
Parliament wrapped up prior to last summer's federal election.

On Tuesday, Cellucci told the National Post's editorial board he was
perplexed by the timing of the new pot bill.

"Why, when we're trying to take pressure off the border, would Canada
pass a law that would put pressure on the border?," he said. "If
people think it's easier to get marijuana in Canada, then our people
at the border are going to be on the lookout, and I think they will
stop more vehicles, particularly vehicles driven by young people,
whether they're citizens of Canada or the United States."
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin