Pubdate: Wed, 10 Nov 2004
Source: National Post (Canada)
Copyright: 2004 Southam Inc.
Author: Tom Blackwell, National Post
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


Decriminalization Will Further Snarl Border, U.S. Envoy Warns

TORONTO - The American ambassador to Canada warned yesterday that
Ottawa's plan to de-criminalize marijuana would exacerbate already
dire congestion problems at the U.S. border.

Paul Cellucci said the bill would give the impression pot was easier
to obtain in Canada, which would put U.S. Customs officers on high
alert for smugglers.

The increased inspection and questioning of certain people coming into
the United States would slow up crossing points already bogged down
with security-related screening, he said during a meeting with the
National Post's editorial board.

"Why, when we're trying to take pressure off the border, would Canada
pass a law that would put pressure on the border?" he asked.

"If people think it's easier to get marijuana in Canada, then our
people at the border are going to be on the lookout, and I think they
will stop more vehicles, particularly vehicles driven by young people,
whether they're citizens of Canada or the United States."

Mr. Cellucci earlier noted that roads and other infrastructure around
the busy crossings at Windsor and Niagara Falls must be upgraded to
ensure the smooth flow of traffic. Current projections would call for
such work to be completed by 2013. "We'll be at gridlock long before
then," he said.

More than $1.2-billion in trade crosses the Canada-U.S. border every
day, the largest bilateral trade flow in the world. The Ontario
Chamber of Commerce said in a recent study that border delays are
costing the Canadian and U.S. economies $13.6-billion a year.

The ambassador otherwise painted a generally positive picture of
relations between the two countries. Differences over such social
issues as same-sex marriage, and the hope of many Canadians that
George W. Bush, the U.S. President, would lose last week's election
will not undermine the solid ties, he said.

"Canada is a little more liberal than the United States. The United
States is a little more conservative," he said. "We shouldn't be
surprised that a majority of Canadians supported the liberal, as
opposed to the conservative."

Irwin Cotler, the Minister of Justice, reintroduced legislation last
week that would make it possible to prosecute the minor possession of
marijuana as a non-criminal offence, while at the same time stiffening
punishment for running grow operations.

Federal officials noted New York, California and at least eight other
states have already decriminalized simple marijuana possession, a fact
acknowledged by Mr. Cellucci.

"We're following the lead of some of the American states," said
Marlene Jennings, the Liberals' parliamentary secretary on Canada-U.S.
relations. "Law enforcement is very supportive of this.... They have
taken the position that a lot of resources are spent on charging and
prosecuting people in possession of small amounts, when those
resources would be better used going after grow ops or going after

The Canadian law had been discussed in detail with John Ashcroft, the
U.S. Attorney-General, before he announced his resignation yesterday,
and Tom Ridge, the chief of homeland security, said Mylene Dupere, a
spokeswoman for Mr. Cotler.

"Both expressed a full understanding of the law," Ms. Dupere

Meanwhile, Canada is as committed as the United States to improving
traffic flow across the border, she added.

Alex Swann, a spokesman for Anne McLellan, the Minister of Public
Safety, questioned the suggestion that the law could put more drugs on
the street, noting the government is going to crack down harder on
grow ops, and possession will still be illegal.

A recent assessment of cross-border drug movement estimated that only
2% of marijuana heading into the United States was Canadian-grown, he

Mr. Cellucci also said the U.S. will ask its allies for help in the
reconstruction of Iraq. But, noting that Canada has already
contributed and provided RCMP officers to train Iraqi police officers,
he said the focus will be on getting more support from countries such
as France and Germany.

He also said universal health insurance is "quite a good thing," but
added Canada could learn some lessons from the U.S. about reducing
wait times. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake