Pubdate: Mon, 19 Jan 2004
Source: Times, The (UK)
Copyright: 2004 Times Newspapers Ltd
Author: Paul Marcus


NO MATTER how strong the "super skunk" of today is, I doubt it will ever be
as strong as the bathtub acid and magic mushrooms my friends and I consumed
in large quantities at university, all of which produced much paranoia,
panic attacks and loss of bladder control through excessive giggling. These
days you cannot easily buy acid, nor speed -- largely because Ecstasy has
become so inexpensive. If this is the "love drug", why are youngsters
becoming ever more violent and repellent? The answer does not lie in drugs,
which will always be a scapegoat, but in the love, respect and sense of
responsibility we are failing to impart to our children, leaving them
incapable of dealing with and properly absorbing new experiences.

Paul Marcus, Stirling
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MAP posted-by: Josh