Pubdate: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 Source: Ottawa Hill Times (CN ON) Page: 2 Contact: Details: Author: Sean Durkan Note: The document in question: Bookmark: Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) EXCUSE ME RANDY, WHILE I LIGHT THIS SPLIFF... White Goes to Pot... Conservative MP Randy White got quite a bit of attention during the June election campaign for comments about the justice system and the Constitution that some say helped to undermine his party and give the Liberals a minority government. But political gaffes weren't his only problem during the campaign. Never shy about attacking those he thinks are soft on crime, and criminals, the MP for Langley-Abbotsford, B.C., made some startling allegations during an election campaign appearance on Dave Rutherford's QR77 radio talk show in Calgary. He mentoned a respectable Toronto-based national trust company in connection with illegal pot-growing operations. Mind you, in this case, quicker than you can say "reefer madness" Mr. White was retracting his comments. In an on-air apology, Mr. White stated his comments were "inaccurate" and said he was wrong to have suggesting [sic] the Maple Trust Company was "involved in the financing of marijuana grow operations." Mr. White added: "I should not have suggested that Maple Trust Company was involved in the financing of marijuana grow operations, nor should I have implied any connection between Maple Trust and the criminals who engage in an industry-wide problem that plagues all lenders." He also fired off a letter of apology to the company, a copy of which somehow ended up with The Hill Times last week, much to Mr. White's surprise and displeasure. There was no official comment from the company lawyers by deadline time, but company spokesperson Jim McLean said it had been noted that Mr. White had apologized on air and in writing. Which is notable in itself -- it's not often you get Mr. White to apologize. Then again, MPs aren't protected by Parliamentary privleige for anything they said in radio show interviews. And it really isn't wise to make false statements about a company with $120-million in equity and $1.6-billion in assets. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake