Pubdate: Fri, 26 Nov 2004
Source: Manila Times (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004, The Manila Times
Author:  Maricel V. Cruz, Reporter
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)


President Arroyo's son, Lakas-CMD Rep. Juan Miguel Arroyo of Pampanga, has 
joined his colleagues in Congress who are backing the proposal to legalize 
the use of marijuana for medical purposes.

The legalization of marijuana was brought up during the House's 
deliberation on the budget of the Dangerous Drug Board (DDB) after Liberal 
Party Rep. Solomon Chungalao of Ifugao raised before the plenary session 
the possibility of such.

Arroyo is the sponsor of DDB's budget proposal.

Chungalao said marijuana has been legalized for medical use in other 
countries. Since many provinces such as Ifugao are producing marijuana, he 
said the Philippines might consider making the prohibited drug also legal.

Arroyo made it clear, however, that he supports the idea to legalize 
marijuana only for medical use.

"Although I am not a doctor, I would like to give my two cents worth. Mr. 
Speaker [if it is] genuinely for medical purposes and it is controlled 
strictly or regulated, maybe we can consider that because like what you 
said marijuana intake [in other countries] is allowed by law," Arroyo said 
to Chungalao.

Chungalao said he is considering the filing of the proposal to the effect 
of legalizing the plantation or production of marijuana for medical use.

Arroyo said he supports Chungalao's proposal and is even willing to be 
named as cosponsor of the bill. "If you would allow me the privilege of 
cosponsoring your bill, it will be an honor to work with you," Arroyo said.

If his proposal is passed, marijuana could become a high-value crop 
produced in the Cordillera region, Chungalao said.
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