Pubdate: Sun, 18 Jan 2004
Source: Honolulu Advertiser (HI)
Copyright: 2004 The Honolulu Advertiser, a division of Gannett Co. Inc.
Author: Johnny Brannon, Advertiser Staff Writer
Note: To read about the "ice epidemic" in Hawaii, go to


As the state Legislature convenes this week, lawmakers will consider many 
ways of combating the ice epidemic and how to pay for proposed solutions. 
Gov. Linda Lingle's administration will have an equally important role.

In a four-part series beginning today, The Advertiser focuses on the 
serious impact ice is having on Hawai'i's crowded jails and prisons, and on 
the lives of those behind the walls.

Hawai'i is at a crucial crossroads in its long struggle to control the 
abuse of crystal methamphetamine and manage a wave of prisoners that has 
swamped the state.

More than a decade after ice became one of the state's most serious 
problems, public awareness and concern are at an all-time high.

Decisions made in the coming months could have long-lasting consequences 
for Hawai'i's criminal justice system - and the lives of many who tangle 
with it.

Jails and prisons have no space for the continuing flood of inmates whose 
crimes stem from the ice epidemic, and there is growing pressure to steer 
more drug users into treatment programs outside.

But there has not been enough money available to make that happen. And most 
agree that Act 161, a year-old law requiring treatment rather than 
incarceration for first-time drug offenders, has major flaws. Some want to 
fine-tune the law, but others want to junk it.

There also is pressure to repair and expand crumbling correctional 
facilities - and to ensure that the public is protected from the theft and 
violence often associated with ice abuse.

More than 1,300 Hawai'i inmates are doing time in private Mainland prisons 
because there aren't enough cells for them here, and the number of state 
prisoners is expected to increase by up to 1,000 more during the next four 

Costly Either Way

Building more prison space would require a major investment and decades of 
debt payments, or require a controversial political decision to have a 
private company build and run new facilities that the state would pay to use.

Filling the old lockups beyond their designed capacity and failing to 
repair them is dangerous and could lead to costly lawsuits, and expanding 
treatment programs for addicts wouldn't alleviate the pressure overnight, 
even with widespread political support and adequate money.

Ice and the prison dilemma promise to be among the hottest issues during 
the legislative session that begins Wednesday. Key lawmakers, Gov. Linda 
Lingle and Lt. Gov. James "Duke" Aiona say that both subjects are high 
priorities. And with most legislators up for re-election this year, the 
political climate is ripe for action.

The challenge, officials say, is to strike an effective balance: Prevent 
drug abuse, rehabilitate offenders who can be helped, be ready to lock up 
those who pose a threat, and keep released inmates from committing new crimes.

But some community activists say the danger is that the state will allow 
pressure to become hysteria that leads to simplistic and punitive 
short-term solutions. Or that politicized bickering will allow the problems 
to fester.

"My concern is that the administration wants to do someone about ice, and 
the Legislature wants to

do something on ice but it's an election year, and I'm just afraid they're 
all going to want to do their own thing and not play together," said Pam 
Lichty, president of the Drug Policy Forum of Hawai'i.

"It would be shocking if they managed to do nothing," said Lichty, whose 
nonprofit group favors more treatment for drug abusers. "But I'm very 
concerned about the jockeying that a lot of people are predicting will happen."

'Great Flim-Flam'

Others warn that treatment shouldn't be viewed as a panacea, and that 
addiction does not excuse crime.

"The great flim-flam is that treatment works and prison doesn't," Honolulu 
Prosecutor Peter Carlisle said. "Nothing could be further from the truth. 
It sounds like there's this magic pill that you give, called treatment, and 
it always works, and that prison serves no function other than to make 
black-booted, brown-shirted prosecutors and police go home smiling because 
they've done something mean."

Treatment should not be a revolving door that allows criminals to take 
advantage, he said.

"If they've gotten treated, they commit a crime, treated, commit a crime, 
treated, commit a crime, well then my attitude is the treatment hasn't 
worked and it's time for prison to work, which will have the salutary 
effect of incapacitation," Carlisle said.

"It may not be rehabilitation, but it certainly keeps them from committing 
more crimes."

Turning Lives Around

Some addicts do have a criminal mindset that will not change, but treatment 
and close supervision can and does turn others' lives around, said M.P. 
"Andy" Anderson, CEO of the Hina Mauka treatment center.

"And that's what we want: responsible tax-paying citizens," he said. "We 
need to find ways to empower the folks who are incarcerated to get them 
clean and sober and into recovery so they can work and be productive 
citizens. That's what the goal is, to find a way to do that so that we're 
not having all of our folks locked up."

Proposals floated so far are wide-ranging: Tougher sentences for ice 
dealers and repeat offenders. More prison space, here or on the Mainland. 
More treatment programs, inside and out of prison. A "boot camp" to instill 
discipline and teach job skills. And a heavy focus on preventing young 
people from ever starting with drugs.

Almost any course of action raises serious questions.

If new prisons are built, where should they be built? How should they be 
financed? Should they be run by state employees or privatized?

If treatment programs are created or expanded, who should pay for them? How 
will their effectiveness be measured? How many chances should someone be 
given to get clean?

Though the ice problem is worse in Hawai'i than in many other places, drug 
abuse and prison crowding are major issues across the nation.

California, Arizona, Washington and other states have moved away from tough 
sentences for some drug users, sending them to treatment programs instead.

The changes are driven partly by liberals who strongly believe in 
rehabilitation, but also by conservatives who don't like the high cost of 
locking people up.

"There's an understanding now that incarceration is not only not effective 
at addressing drug abuse, but it's counterproductive," said Roger Goodman, 
director of the Drug Policy Project for the King County Bar Association in 

"Legislatures are now, more and more, setting up systems of diversion 
programs in lieu of incarceration," said Goodman, who has met with 
lawmakers in Hawai'i and other states to promote such policies.

"What's interesting about these other states taking action is that it's 
pretty much driven by fiscal reality," said Lichty at Drug Policy Forum. 
"So it isn't like all of a sudden they've seen the light, and people are 
good after all if you just give them a chance. It's more like 'we don't 
have the money to keep doing this and so we have to think of a smarter way.'
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman