Pubdate: Sun, 05 Dec 2004 Source: Toronto Sun (CN ON) Copyright: 2004, Canoe Limited Partnership. Contact: Details: Author: Evangelos Xristos Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) LEGALIZING POT THE ONLY CHOICE RE YOUR comment that legalization of marijuana is not a choice (Letters, Nov. 28): Sorry, you are wrong. It's the only rational choice. Any further prosecutions will only increase the price; hence, the profits and the people trying to make that fast million that they would probably never make any other way. The only rational way to stop this is to allow people to grow all that they want -- like tomatoes. Then the artificially created, ridiculously over-inflated price of pot -- typically $1,000 per plant -- estimated by police, who have a vested interest in keeping pot illegal because it means their jobs. It takes the same amount of effort and skill to grow tomatoes as it does to grow pot. This invites any average backyard gardener to try his luck. For a million dollars, it's worth anyone's risk -- especially if the statistics that you quote are accurate. Only 1% see jail. Articles like this only exacerbate the situation and encourage more people to set up grow houses. Most, by the way, are not, as the police would have you believe, organized crime, although that is a catch-all phrase and can mean anything from the Mafia (which we all know doesn't exist) to bikers to various ethnic/nationalistic groups. The government getting out of the pot biz and freeing the weed is the only rational way to stop the traffic in pot. If you need any more proof of this, simply show me where there is an illegal market in tomatoes. If pot were the same price as tomatoes, only the users would grow a few plants for themselves. There would be no profit motive for pot and pot wouldn't sell for a thousand dollars a plant. Why is this so difficult for so many people to realize, besides the ones as mentioned above, who have vested interests in keeping pot illegal? Put the police back to doing honest police work and we won't need to hire more cops and increase taxes to further chase our own tails. In the meantime, keep up the good work encouraging more and more people to become millionaires. Evangelos Xristos Hamilton (We didn't say legalization is not a choice, we said we can't stop busting grow houses because of the myriad social and economic problems they cause. By the way, ever gotten high on tomato salad?) - ---