Pubdate: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 Source: Guardian, The (UK) Copyright: 2004 Guardian Newspapers Limited Contact: Details: Author: John Carvel, social affairs editor Bookmark: (Cannabis - United Kingdom) MANY CANNABIS USERS 'HAPPY TO SMOKE AND DRIVE' Most regular cannabis users admit to driving under the influence of the drug in spite of being aware that it impairs their performance, according to a study today from the Economic and Social Research Council. It found 74% of cannabis-smoking drivers said they had taken a car or motorbike on the the road while feeling stoned. Of those who had, 70% believed it had a bad effect on their driving. Of people who took the drug between two and seven days a week, 41% said they felt it was acceptable to drive under the influence of cannabis. The research team, led by Philip Terry of Birmingham University, said the potential economic and social cost of people performing risky activities while under the influence of cannabis was largely overlooked in the government's recent decision to downgrade the drug's classification. The team interviewed 100 frequent users of cannabis and 90 casual users who took the drug no more than four days a month. They found a third of the frequent users were willing to drive even when they thought they were "very high". Nearly 80% of those who had driven while using cannabis or soon afterwards said they would be deterred from doing so if roadside testing were introduced. Although at least one in eight had been stopped by the police while under the influence of the drug, none was tested for cannabis intoxication or charged with driving under the influence. The study found one in four used cannabis before or at work, with just over half of them admitting some degree of impairment. Users of the drug said its positive effects included aiding sleep, relieving pain, and assisting in relaxation; but its drawbacks were paranoia, demotivation, and forgetfulness. Dr Terry said: "Much effort by policymakers has been directed towards identifying potential health problems that might result from cannabis use. However, the indirect consequences of cannabis use may be just as significant. "Previous studies have failed to examine the extent to which chronic use of cannabis is likely to increase someone's risk of accident or injury, or to have potentially significant adverse effects on their financial or social wellbeing by affecting their job performance or personal relationships." A Home Office spokeswoman said that it had not ignored the other effects of cannabis, and the downgrading of its classification did not mean the department was telling people to take the drug - as it remained illegal. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin