Pubdate: Fri, 10 Dec 2004
Source: Evening Standard (London, UK)
Copyright: 2004 Associated Newspapers Ltd.
Author: Justin Davenport, Crime Correspondent
Bookmark: (Cannabis and Driving)


Drug-driving may be more of a problem than drink-driving, it is
claimed, after more than half of the motorists killed in accidents in
one police area were found to have taken drugs.

Campaigners also say young people are twice as likely to agree to be
driven by someone on drugs rather than by someone who has been
drinking. The statistics were quoted at the launch of a Christmas
campaign against drug-driving today.

The London Drug Policy Forum initiative is aimed at drivers between
the ages of 18 and 30 who are unaware of the dangers of driving after
taking drugs. Posters on London's buses and Underground will highlight
the penalties of being convicted of drug-driving.

Campaign organiser David MacKintosh said: "We know there are people
who would not dream of drinking and driving but who would happily drop
a few 'Es' or smoke a few spliffs before driving.

"We want to alert them that drug-driving has the same penalties as
drink-driving and impairs people in the same way."

Drugs such as cocaine tend to make people take more risks and narrow
their senses, while cannabis impairs reactions in the same way as
drinking. The campaign, funded by the Corporation of London, was
originally aimed at recreational drug users in the City.

Now, backed by the Metropolitan and City of London police forces and
the RAC Foundation, it is hoped to extend the campaign across the
country. The RAC Foundation said police in Durham had examined blood
samples from 23 people killed in road accidents. Fifty per cent had
traces of cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy or other drugs.

The organisation said that in the past 10 years the number of drivers
killed through drugs had risen by 18 per cent.

Edmund King, executive director of the RAC Foundation, said: "For too
long the real problem of drugs and driving has been a taboo subject.
We are delighted that this campaign gets the problem out into the open."
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MAP posted-by: Derek