Pubdate: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 Source: Worcester Telegram & Gazette (MA) Copyright: 2004 Worcester Telegram & Gazette Contact: Details: Note: only publishes letters from state residents. Author: Francis A. Zeccon, Jr. Referenced: Related: Organizations in Support of Therapeutic Cannabis [PDF] GROUPS ENDORSE MARIJUANA FOR MEDICAL USES I'm responding to an As I See It by William T. Breault of Worcester, "Marijuana should not be reclassified" (Telegram & Gazette, Nov. 23), who incorrectly gives the reader the impression that neither physicians nor American health organizations that treat patients for AIDS and other diseases support the use of medical marijuana. Nine states (Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington) have laws protecting medical marijuana patients and caregivers by removing state-level criminal penalties on use, possession and cultivation of marijuana by patients whose physician documents they may benefit from its medical use. Seven of these states have established confidential state-run patient registries that issue identification cards to qualifying patients. More than 50 American health organizations support medical marijuana. This list includes the American Nurses Association, 11 state nurses associations, American Medical Student Association, National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine, New England Journal of Medicine, American Public Health Association, Lymphoma Foundation of America, The Montel Williams MS Foundation and AIDS Action Council. The American Cancer Society and American Medical Association support medical marijuana research. The American public also supports medical marijuana. In a Time Magazine/CNN Poll in October 2002, 80 percent of respondents supported allowing adults to legally use marijuana for medical purposes. This past election, five Massachusetts initiatives instructed the state representative from the district to vote for medical marijuana legislation. All five won with the lowest margin of victory 69 percent to 31 percent. Fortunately, most Americans see the issue of effective medical marijuana as compassionate. Francis A. Zeccon, Jr. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake