Pubdate: Tue, 30 Nov 2004
Source: Dominion Post, The (New Zealand)
Copyright: 2004 The Dominion Post
Author: Nikki MacDonald
Bookmark: (Harm Reduction)
Bookmark: (Drug Education)


Solvent abuse incidents have increased by almost 50 per cent in the
past six years, new figures show.

The number of incidents recorded by police increased from 570 in 1998
to 837 last year. There were significant increases in the past three
years, from 697 in 2001 and 763 in 2002.

The figures were included in a joint submission from the ministries of
health, education and youth development to Wellington coroner Garry
Evans' inquest into substance abuse and what the government is doing
about it. The hearing was sparked by the deaths of six people from
solvent abuse.

Giving evidence, Pauline Gardiner - chief executive of drug and
alcohol school support programme WellTrust - said drug policies were
not working.

"It is not an option to continue the way we have been going, and it is
not an option to do nothing," she said in a submission.

She called for a two-year public awareness campaign to reverse
society's widespread acceptance of drugs.

The Health Ministry's National Drug Policy focused on harm
minimisation - recognising drug use as a reality and trying to reduce
the effects rather than stop it - and that was not appropriate for
children, Mrs Gardiner said. "I've always had difficulty with that
blanket approach. Harm minimisation for me is not an education tool,
it is an intervention tool." Advertisement

Children should be given facts on the effects of drug use to prevent
them using drugs, rather than being told how to use them more safely,
she said.

"We say that it is unrealistic for children not to use drugs. I don't
think that it's unrealistic at all. Up to a certain age, most don't."

Mr Evans asked Mrs Gardiner if New Zealand was fulfilling its duty
under the UN convention on the rights of the child to protect children
from the use of illegal drugs. "No, I don't believe we are," she replied.

Health Ministry spokesman Brendon Baker said the focus on harm
minimisation would be reconsidered as part of a review of the National
Drug Policy.

A revised policy was expected to go out for consultation early next

With limited funds, an expensive advertising campaign would have to be
weighed against other needs, such as respite care, Mr Baker said.

A proposal put forward by Jim Anderton this month could regulate the
sale and use of anything from party pills to petrol, glue, air
freshener, nail polish and lighter fuel.

Mr Evans has reserved his findings.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin