Pubdate: Sun, 26 Dec 2004
Source: Manila Times (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004, The Manila Times
Author: Maricel V. Cruz, Reporter


NACIONALISTA Party Rep. Gilbert Remulla of Cavite has asked Malacaqang
to certify as urgent his bill seeking to impose tough penalties on
police officers and jail guards who assist in the escape of their
prisoners and detainees.

Remulla, chair of the House Committee on Public Information, made the
call after the escape of another drug suspect in the custody of the
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) recently.

Remulla said the escape of Chinese Li Zhong, alias James Mian, was
made possible through the connivance of his custodians as he urged the
PDEA to arrest all its personnel who are directly responsible for
handling the agency's detention facility.

"Suspending or relieving them from their assignment is not enough.
They should be treated like the criminal whom they allowed to escape,"
Remulla said.

In the past Congresses Remulla had filed a similar measure that would
impose stiffer penalties against rogue and negligent personnel of the
country's prison and detention facilities, but Congress failed to act
on it until now.

In October Remulla refiled House Bill 184, which if passed into law,
would give more teeth to existing provisions of the Revised Penal Code
which "governs the conduct of penal officials in handling prisoners
and detained criminal suspects."

The bill also seeks to increase the penalty for escapees and prisoners
who attempt to escape from government custody. Among the salient
feature of the bill is the suspension and/or dismissal of police
officers or jail guards if they are proven in connivance with prisoners.

Remulla said many prison personnel are emboldened to allow the escape
of their prisoners in exchange for big money because the law is too
soft in dealing with them.

"The inadequacy in the penalty imposed on jail guards has led to the
escape of some high-profile criminals like Li Zhong. Many of our
prison personnel doesn't mind taking the risk of losing their jobs in
exchange for hefty rewards from these criminals who are obviously
well-financed and well-connected," Remulla said.

He would make his request to Malacaqang, so that Congress can give
priority to the deliberations on his proposal soon after the Yuletide
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