Pubdate: Wed, 21 Jan 2004
Source: Sacramento Bee (CA)
Copyright: 2004 The Sacramento Bee
Author: Cathy Locke, Bee Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


A group of El Dorado County residents qualified to use medicinal
marijuana is working with local authorities to establish a collective
garden to grow the plant.

If successful, the group would be the first in California to create a
marijuana garden under a new state law.

"We have an opportunity in El Dorado County to make this a model to be
emulated in the other 57 counties," said Dr. Philip Denney, a
physician and resident of Greenwood, a rural community on Highway 193
between Cool and Georgetown.

The proposal is the first by a group under the state's new medical
marijuana law, SB 420, said Dale Gieringer, coordinator for the
California chapter of the National Organization for Reform of
Marijuana Laws.

SB 420, which took effect Jan. 1, is intended to augment Proposition
215, which was passed by voters in 1996. The new law allows qualified
patients and caregivers within a county to collectively cultivate marijuana.

Denney said about 20 patients have expressed interest in participating
in the cooperative garden, but he estimated that as many as 600 people
in El Dorado County might qualify.

"If this is successful," he said, "I would not be surprised to see
people come out of the woodwork."

Many people who use medicinal marijuana are reluctant to acknowledge
it, he said, because they remember when possessing a single seed could
mean jail.

Denney has sent a letter to the Board of Supervisors stating the
group's intention to establish the garden and expressing its wish to
work with county officials.

In his Jan. 1 letter, Denney said, "While we do not believe we need
your permission or your approval for our project, we would hope to
gain your support to proceed in the spirit of cooperation and mutual

The supervisors have not responded to the letter, and board Chairman
Rusty Dupray said he does not intend to place the issue on a board

Dupray said he would defer to county law-enforcement

"The board wouldn't want to get involved in this particular issue," he
said, adding that he does not favor the plan.

District Attorney Gary Lacy and Sheriff Jeff Neves said they had
discussed the letter.

"We certainly intend to meet with Doctor Denney and any of his group
and talk about the details," Lacy said. "We're committed to working
within the law to come up with a workable solution."

In his letter to the board, Denney said his group would not grow or
distribute marijuana for profit and would avoid activities that could
be construed as interstate commerce, in accordance with a recent
federal court ruling.

Lacy said he could not say how federal law-enforcement officials would
view cooperative gardens authorized under the new state law, but he
noted that federal agents typically have not focused on people who use
marijuana for legitimate medical purposes.

McGregor Scott, U.S. attorney in Sacramento, said he had not read SB
420, so was not familiar with specifics of the state law or the El
Dorado group's proposal.

State and federal law are in conflict on this issue, he said, and
under the supremacy clause of the Constitution, federal law prevails.

"People should be aware that marijuana cultivation and dispensing is
still a violation of federal law," he said.

>From a practical standpoint, McGregor said, his office focuses on
large growers.

"We don't have the resources to prosecute someone with a couple of
plants in his back yard," he said.

Lacy said he and Neves would try to work with Denney and his group to
assure the garden complies with state law and won't run afoul of
federal authorities.

Through a series of meetings about a year ago, Lacy said, county
officials and proponents of medical marijuana developed guidelines
regarding the number of plants a qualified individual in the county
may cultivate.

"Ours are a bit more liberal than those set forth in the legislation,"
Lacy said, adding that the new law gives counties leeway to establish
their own guidelines.

SB 420 allows a patient or caregiver to possess 8 ounces of dried
marijuana per patient and no more than six mature or 12 immature
marijuana plants. In El Dorado County, a qualified patient can
cultivate up to 10 female plants or up to 2 pounds of processed
marijuana per year, Denney said.

"The biggest risk is security," he said, noting that the garden site
would have to be protected to prevent theft.

Some people, Denney said, have suggested using space in the community
garden at the county fairgrounds in Placerville, a site that would be
within view of the Sheriff's Department. But Denney said a private
location with limited access would be better.

Denney said in his letter that the group hopes to plant its garden
between May 15 and June 1 this year and to harvest in early October.

Neves said he was willing to meet with the group to talk about its
plans for the cooperative garden.

"It's a clouded area that we need discussion on," the sheriff

Denney said he appreciated the willingness of law enforcement
officials in a county that tends to be politically conservative to
work with the group.

Denney described himself as semiretired. Over the past 30 years, he
said, he has practiced at Auburn Faith, Sutter, Mercy and Marshall
hospitals. He said he became interested in medicinal cannabis, the
term he prefers for medicinal marijuana, about 10 years ago after a
relative suffered an injury that resulted in chronic pain. Denney said
he was seeking an alternative to the long-term use of narcotics.

For the past four years, Denney had an office in Loomis and focused on
treating patients with conditions that could benefit from medicinal
marijuana. Initially, he said, "I expected I'd see a bunch of
skateboarders looking for an excuse to smoke weed."

Instead, Denney said, he saw patients from throughout the state who
represented a cross section of the population and included police
officers, firefighters, attorneys and a judge.

Denney said he is frustrated that, eight years after California voters
approved the medical use of marijuana, patients and law-enforcement
officials are still trying to come to terms with the law.

"The law gives us the right to do this," Denney said, "but we would
very much like to be cooperative."
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin