Pubdate: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 Source: Surrey Leader (CN BC) Copyright: 2004 Surrey Leader Contact: Details: Author: Rob Wilton THANKS FOR SHUTTING DOWN GROW-OPS Time has come to give credit, were credit is due. All to often we are quick to criticize our government and civil servants for not getting the job done. Rarely do we write about what they are doing right. Over the last year I have been very critical of the handling of marijuana grow operations in Surrey and now have good news. My neighbours and I would like to thank the RCMP command, uniform and drug squad, Premier Campbell, Mayor McCallum, Surrey Council, MLA Dave Hayer, MP Chuck Cadman and Surrey Block Watch for their diligence. The eighth grow operation has been closed down on our block because these people didn't knuckle under, but stepped up to the plate. The result is safer streets, a dedicated team of police tasked with the abolition of drug houses of any sort in our neighbourhoods and an anonymous Drug Tip Line 604-599-7771. It is time to recognize the work that has been done by those who were under fire a short time ago. Outstanding and thank you for responding to our need. The job is not over but it is getting done. I encourage others with success stories to write in. We hear so much negative news we can get a distorted view of things. Let the bad guys read about their coming demise and encourage the men and woman on the front lines. Let them know we see, and appreciate the work they do and the risks they take for us. They can't do it alone. We all have a stake in safe neighbourhoods, so do your part. Rob Wilton Surrey - --- MAP posted-by: Josh