Pubdate: Sun, 08 Feb 2004
Source: Sunstar Davao (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004 Sunstar
Note:  also listed for feedback


THERE are no summary executions in Davao City, only unsolved killings, 
according to Mayor Rodrigo Duterte during the weekly Ato ni Bay media forum 

This after Chief Supt. Isidro Lapena, regional police chief, said killings 
in the city allegedly committed by the Davao Death Squad (DDS) could have 
been solved if there were citizens willing to testify.

Lapena said police are paying attention to the escalating number of 
unsolved murders in the city, but admitted they are helpless without witnesses.

"Our main problem in solving these killings is the lack of witnesses who 
will testify against suspects," Lapena said.

He urged citizens to "please come out in the open" to testify if the have 
knowledge about suspects in the killings.

Last year, motorcycle-riding gunmen killed at least 90 suspected drug and 
theft suspects. Nine victims were executed last month. Not a single 
incident has been solved so far and suspects have remained at large.

As this developed, Duterte reiterated that Davao City is the most dangerous 
place for criminals, but it is the safest haven for law-abiding citizens.

Death Penalty

Meanwhile, Duterte on Sunday said he supports the implementation of the 
death penalty to curb the increasing number of criminals in the country.

He said he would like to see a decrease in crimes, even if it means 
executing five criminals everyday.

In an earlier interview, assistant chief city prosecutor Danilo Belo said 
imposing death penalty is only wise if the present justice system is 
perfect and if there would be no errors in judgment.

But there is no perfect justice system, he said.
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MAP posted-by: Beth Wehrman