Pubdate: Sun, 08 Feb 2004
Source: Daytona Beach News-Journal (FL)
Copyright: 2004 News-Journal Corp
Author: Joy Gloer


If Jan. 27 had been April 1, I would have considered the editorial "Out of 
prison" an April Fool's joke! I can't believe the writer really thinks 
ex-prisoners are due all the privileges The News-Journal wants them to 
have. They were incarcerated for crimes that they chose to commit. The 
writer seems to believe some crimes should go unpunished.

We as a society need to take a look at where most criminals come from. Some 
possibly could come from the homes where mothers are paid to have as many 
babies as they can produce and homes where men produce as many babies as 
they can find women who will have them.

If these children were raised in a loving family environment where they 
were taught right from wrong, they might stay away from committing crimes.

These kids carry on the family business generation after generation.

The solution? Education! Force welfare recipients to learn a trade of some 
kind. Everybody has some basic skills, even the most indigent. Welfare 
recipients should make sure their children finish school, no exceptions. If 
they can't or just simply won't control their children, take them away and 
put them in a lock-up school and don't let them out until they have learned 
a basic skill for securing a job.

We are paying for a prison system that doesn't work and a welfare system 
that doesn't work, so maybe this would save law-abiding taxpayers money.

Civil rights? What about everybody's civil right to live without fear of 
being robbed, beaten or even murdered? Oh well, I have always been a dreamer.


Ormond Beach
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