Pubdate: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 Source: Vermilion Standard (CN AB) Copyright: 2004 Vermilion Standard Contact: Details: Author: Jennifer Jacula Bookmark: (Drug Education) DRUG SEMINAR AIMED AT PARENTS Parents and other concerned adults can learn the truth about crystal meth and other drugs in a free information session February 12. "It's not just crystal meth we're going to be talking about, it's other drugs," said AADAC addictions counsellor Kim Ruptash. The session will include information about signs to watch for if you suspect your child is using drugs, general trends in the Vermilion area, and tips on what to do if your child is using drugs. Speakers will include Cst. Rob Rubuliak of the Vermilion RCMP and Ruptash. FCSS is organizing the session. Crystal meth is not a huge problem in this area, but Ruptash thinks it doesn't hurt to be informed. "Even provincially, crystal meth is only one or two percent of all drug use. It's not a really significant problem, I think it just scares people." More common drugs are much more prevalent. "Alcohol is number one, and marijuana is number two," said Ruptash. 3,500 13 to 18 year olds from across Alberta were surveyed recently about drug use. 56.3% of youths admitted to consuming alcohol during the past year. 27.6% had used marijuana. Only 16.2% admitted to cigarette use, 10.4% to consuming magic mushrooms, and 5.3% had consumed ecstasy and/or crystal meth. The session starts at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room on the main floor of the Vermilion Provincial Building. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin