Pubdate: Fri, 13 Feb 2004
Source: USA Today (US)
Copyright: 2004 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Co. Inc
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NEWPORT, Ark. (AP) - The Arkansas Department of Correction has reprimanded 
one of its math instructors after he substituted units of cocaine and 
methamphetamine while testing inmates on their multiplication skills.

Instead of using apples and oranges to calculate ratios, the instructor at 
the Grimes Unit prison used rocks of cocaine and meth ingredients. Among 
the questions: . "Rico sells 422 rocks per week in four different 
territories. He wants to expand to seven different territories. If he 
continues to sell at the same rate how many rocks per week will he sell in 
seven territories?"

. "Jim Bob is cookin crystal meth in his back yard." After giving the 
formula for meth, the teacher posed the question, "How many Sudafedrine 
pills must he mix with 2.8 quarts of amonia?"

Correction Department spokeswoman Dina Tyler said that while it is proper 
to help inmates work toward high school diplomas, the method selected 
wasn't. She also said the teacher would have received an A for his meth 
production calculation. The teacher said he learned the equation from his 
students, Tyler said. "Which makes sense," Tyler said. "They're the ones 
who would know."

The Grimes Unit prison is in Jackson County, the subject of a recent People 
magazine article on meth use.

(The answer to the first question above is 738.5 rocks.)
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom