Pubdate: Tue, 17 Feb 2004
Source: Sunstar Davao (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004 Sunstar
Note:  also listed for feedback
Author: Ben O. Tesiorna


THE nationwide caravan against illegal drugs will kick off Tuesday and is 
said to be off limits to electoral candidates to prevent politicking.

Dubbed as "Lakbay Kontra Droga," the nationwide caravan will start Tuesday 
from various key cities in the country and will culminate on Thursday in 
several convergence points.

In Mindanao, Cagayan de Oro and Davao cities will be the convergence points 
of the caravan. For the southern and central Mindanao areas, the caravan 
will start in General Santos City today then to Maguindanao province, 
Cotabato City, Kidapawan, Makilala, Digos City and will arrive in Davao 
City on the Feb. 19.

Rodolfo Razul, director of Department of Interior and Local Government 
(DILG) 11, said they are advising politicians to refrain from attending the 
affair since they do not want the caravan to become a "miting de avance".

It was learned, however, that President Arroyo is expected to attend the 
Davao City affair.

Razul said the nationwide caravan is aimed at intensifying the information 
campaign of the Dangerous Drugs Board against illegal drugs.

Razul denied insinuations the affair was conducted simply to accommodate 
Arroyo's campaign sorties.

"This is just giving more emphasis on the problem but the campaign (against 
drugs) is not new," he said.

Aside from the caravan, free drug testing will also be conducted by the 
Department of Health. They expect to accommodate about 100,000 individuals 
who want to avail of the free examination nationwide.

Awareness seminars and lectures will also be conducted.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Stevens