Pubdate: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 Source: Las Vegas Mercury (NV) Copyright: 2004 Las Vegas Mercury Column: Democracy in Peril Contact: Details: Author: Steve Sebelius Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) Bookmark: (Cannabis) POLL POT: I for one am looking forward with great delight to asking certain politicians running for reelection how they feel about the new initiative to legalize up to an ounce of marijuana. That's because last time, many of the feckless incumbents responded to 2002's initiative to legalize up to three ounces of marijuana with some variation of the lame line, "three ounces is a lot of pot." So now that organizers have settled on just one ounce, all of those lawmakers are going to have to come up with some all new, fantastic excuse for saying no, lest they have to admit what truly lies at the heart of their objections: We don't like marijuana, and we can tell you what to do in the privacy of your own home. So there. Or the ever-popular, voters don't like it, and I'm afraid they'll toss me out if I support it. Yes, I simply cannot wait for election season to start in earnest. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake