Pubdate: Sat,  6 Mar 2004
Source: Denver Post (CO)
Copyright: 2004 The Denver Post Corp
Author: Kirk Mitchell, Denver Post


As many as 10 Denver-area teenagers were lured into a
check-counterfeiting ring by the offer of free methamphetamines,
according to state officials.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation obtained arrest warrants Tuesday
for eight adults allegedly involved in the ring on charges that could
put them in prison for up to 25 years, CBI Agent in Charge Bob Brown
said Friday.

No charges have been filed against the teenagers, who have helped
investigators collect evidence in the case, Brown said.

Rhonda Kitsmiller 36, of Littleton allegedly gave methamphetamines
every day to teenagers ranging in age from 14 to 17. One girl used
methamphetamines she allegedly received at Kitsmiller's house up to
five times a day for three months, Brown said.

Kitsmiller and other ring members taught the teens how to search in
bank trash bins for customer bank account information, which they used
to forge checks, Brown said.

"Once they got them into the fold, they were asked to Dumpster-dive,"
he said. "That's the part of this case that bothers me the most."

Kitsmiller was arrested for investigation of contributing to the
delinquency of a minor and violating the Colorado Organized Crime
Control Act.

Also arrested in alleged violations of the organized crime act were
John Wesley Koontz, 43, of Englewood; Debra Jo Mellinger, 38, of
Kiowa; and Brian Sherman, 35, of Denver, Brown said.

Sherman was also held for investigation of contributing to the
delinquency of a minor, Brown said.

Brown said that other alleged ring members arrested for investigation
of forgery were Laurie Pack, 41, of Denver; Konnie Balph, 34, of
Golden; and Malissa Daniels, 25, of Denver.

The suspects were being held in jails around the metro

The eighth suspect, Bambina Pack, 22, of Denver, was still being

The investigation began Oct. 29 when Colorado Division of Gaming
investigator Lad Sullivan arrested Koontz after he allegedly attempted
to pass a counterfeit check at Bronco Billy's Casino in Cripple Creek.

An interview of Koontz by CBI agents produced leads to several other
suspects, said Patti Micciche, spokeswoman for the state Department of
Public Safety.

Investigators served search warrants on the homes of ring suspects and
interviewed several juveniles who were involved, Brown said.

State agents searching trash cans used by the suspects obtained two
30-gallon garbage bags filled with bank account information from 13
Denver-area banks, Brown said.

"Banks just have to be aware that criminals are looking through their
trash," he said. "They need to shred that trash."

Counterfeit checks totaling more than $19,000 were passed in Adams,
Denver, Arapahoe, Jefferson, El Paso, Teller and Fremont counties,
Micciche and Brown said.
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